Making you feel completely at ease in front of the camera


This is a long term personal project.      The theme slow somehow resonates in these images to me.  I keep 'SLoW' in mind when I shoot for myself. 

Sometimes its quite literal, people being slow, taking time out of busy lives. Sometimes, visually, its quite different and may look the complete opposite of slow. But at its essence is me trying to capture SLoW in the world around us.  

The image that kicked it all off for me, and the birth of the idea is this one.   

Shot in 2005, it struck me that so many people were so busy rushing around in their busy lives, that they couldn't even take the time to stop and look at the amazing right before them. I shoot these images with this 10 year old shot in mind. But the concept has evolved. I still look for the slow, and amazing settings, but I interpret it in so many ways. I hope you can see something SLoW in these images and perhaps encouraged to take time out and be slow.

This is a collection of images I shoot when I shoot for myself. It'll be a somewhat more personal insight to my life and the people around me.  Hope you enjoy.