Rain rain go away.
Actually, we had a ball in it! It rained its head off during the location shoots. Norton Summit was on fine wintery form - only it was December!
Annabelle & Dean's day has reminded me what a wedding is really all about. It's those people around you. The family and friends you invite and enjoying being with, reconnecting with those you may not have seen in a long time. The planning, the styling, the look, the bits and pieces are so important and are a reflection of who you are, but the soul of a day is in the fun you have with those around you.
This one is full of soul!
Days like these make me pinch myself! I have to remind myself that this really is a pretty sweet job. I remember embarking on this photography career and saying to myself, 'imagine the day, when people ask what you do - and you can tell them you are a photographer'. It seemed like an ideal place for me to be. Now when I'm filling out one of those forms where it asks for your employment details - I write 'photographer' and have a little smile to myself - and yep, I tick the 'fulltime' box too!